Green Monster | Gold Rush Expeditions, Inc®
GRE, Inc.
Green Monster Mineral Property

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Green Monster Mineral Property


Verde Mining District

Yavapai County, AZ

Near Cottonwood, AZ

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Property Overview

The mine is named for the holding company from the early 1900s, known as Green Monster Mining. The Green Monster Mining company’s main holdings are 3-4 miles southeast of Jerome. The Green Monster Mine discussed in this document is slightly east of the main holdings and captures the apex of the Revenue Vein which the mine was developed on. The property produced bonanza values of 2.88 oz. AU and 187.88 oz AG to the ton. The gold valuations were taken from discarded dump material. The underground workings are extensively developed and in good repair for the most part. There are multiple levels underground and the survey team fully mapped the main level. There is thought to be another level at 100 and 150’ below the main level. These levels accessed by internal shafts or winzes and or through large open stopes. There is some slough and collapse near the eastern edge of the workings which are thought to connect into the main shaft. This main shaft is known as the Cliff shaft and is part of a smaller holding of the Green Monster Mining Company.
The Green Monster is primarily a copper producing property with excellent gold and silver values, there are substantial copper values as would be expected considering the region. The property sits just east of various patented properties which have never reported actual production. The Green Monster was cut under a fault line and produced many cars of ore that were processed at the base of the canyon near Cottonwood, AZ.
United Verde Copper reportedly took the property in 1960, where it was held as an asset and no work was completed. In 1980 they shuttered the mine, sealing the adit and the shaft as part of a good will reclamation effort. The mine was noted to have substantial reserves at that time, but metal prices were too low to profitably work them. Blocked reserves are 45,000 tons with 19% average Copper and 4oz AG average.
This is not a small mining property. It will need substantial permitting and development to extract the copper and silver values. Gold will be ancillary by-product after copper and silver milling.

Gold Rush Expeditions, Inc. does offer mining consultation services and assistance with permits for a small fee.

Training courses for underground work and exploration can be found here:

The mine is named for the holding company from the early 1900s, known as Green Monster Mining. The Green Monster Mining company’s main holdings are 3-4 miles southeast of Jerome. The Green Monster Mine discussed in this document is slightly east of the main holdings and captures the apex of the Revenue Vein which the mine was developed on. The property produced bonanza values of 2.88 oz. AU and 187.88 oz AG to the ton. The gold valuations were taken from discarded dump material. The underground workings are extensively developed and in good repair for the most part. There are multiple levels underground and the survey team fully mapped the main level. There is thought to be another level at 100 and 150’ below the main level. These levels accessed by internal shafts or winzes and or through large open stopes. There is some slough and collapse near the eastern edge of the workings which are thought to connect into the main shaft. This main shaft is known as the Cliff shaft and is part of a smaller holding of the Green Monster Mining Company.
The Green Monster is primarily a copper producing property with excellent gold and silver values, there are substantial copper values as would be expected considering the region. The property sits just east of various patented properties which have never reported actual production. The Green Monster was cut under a fault line and produced many cars of ore that were processed at the base of the canyon near Cottonwood, AZ.
United Verde Copper reportedly took the property in 1960, where it was held as an asset and no work was completed. In 1980 they shuttered the mine, sealing the adit and the shaft as part of a good will reclamation effort. The mine was noted to have substantial reserves at that time, but metal prices were too low to profitably work them. Blocked reserves are 45,000 tons with 19% average Copper and 4oz AG average.
This is not a small mining property. It will need substantial permitting and development to extract the copper and silver values. Gold will be ancillary by-product after copper and silver milling.

Gold Rush Expeditions, Inc. does offer mining consultation services and assistance with permits for a small fee.

Training courses for underground work and exploration can be found here:





Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Turquoise

Lode, Mill

Underground Dev

Surface Dump


3,600 feet

339,759 tons




High Clearance 4WD

Millsite, High Copper and Silver Values - Blocked Reserves

Gold Reserves

Silver Reserves

Copper Reserves

Platinum Reserves

Tungsten Reserves

Molybdenum Reserves

192,066 oz

8,467,178 oz

108,165,942 lbs




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Gold Rush Expeditions, Inc Green Monster Mineral Property Map


Offered at $1,189,857.95

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